@pizza_dabs - @pizzapizzatoys - ATTENTION! OFFICIAL DAB mats for SALE from @pizzapizzatoys!! Dont be fooled!! Do not buy fake counterfiet pizza products! That dont even glow in the dark!This clown @knowfame_ has printed low resolution dab mats still containg MY watermark, cuz hes a theiving moron. If you are interested in my artwork please contact @pizzapizzatoys for dab mats or canvases or for your other heady needs. Please do not reproduce and try to resell my artwork like these chumps @knowfame_ & @queen_bee710 .they are big enough scum bags to SCREEN grab my low resolution cell phone picture of my canvas of alice in wondERRLand & try to pass off low quality dab mats that do not even glow.in the dark as his own. To make matters even more insulting after @knowfame_ tried to ask how much to buy the canvas of alice then flaked he steals the image with the copywritten @pizzapizzatoys logo still watermarked in the picture he stole, so if he were to sell you one you will have a huge watermark covering a 3rd of the image, AND its a cell phone pic..i contacted him to tell him it is unnacceptable to redistribute my work without my permission. And that I am an artist who works hard to make quality paintings. So if you see these anywhere for sale without the poster giving pizzapizzatoys credit, let them know how lame they are, and to stop stealing artwork and make it themselves or buy it if they like it. Who knows if the other dab pad he had manufactured is stolen artwork, hopefully this spreads awareness so more artist protect themselves and scum bags like @knowfame_ @queen_bee710 dont get away with stealing.
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1GkTQkK